Discover @ Your Library

Discover new and exciting things GCLS has to offer from new and continuing collections, programs, initiatives, and more!

Palace Project
Can’t get enough eBooks and eAudiobooks? Check out our newest offering with the Palace Project! Enjoy tens of thousands of free eBooks and eAudiobooks on your Apple or Android device. Download the app and try out this new service today.
Need help using the Palace Project? Check out their YouTube videos here:
New to the adult world and feeling stuck in between the transition from young adult books to adult books? Then the New Adult collection is for you! This collection has been curated to cover everything from fun reads to building the life skills needed to navigate the world.

Preloaded with high quality, educational apps and games, Launchpads are seek to bridge the digital divide by providing this content on a tablet that doesn’t require internet access. Subject areas range from English language arts, math, science, and more!
Check out our collection here!
Library of Things
We have a LoT to offer with this collection! From lawn games to STEM kits, Worry Woos, hotspots, and more, there is something for every age here! For more information on the Library of Things including borrowing rules and a full list of items, visit the collection’s page.
Seed Bank

Through generous seed pack donations from companies like Seed Savers Exchange and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, GCLS will be making smaller packs of seeds available for free to our patrons by request and on a first-come-first-served basis. The GCLS Seed Bank was started with guidance from the founder of, Jeff Quattrone, who has helped a growing number of public libraries bring this great resource to their patrons.
Interested in picking up some seeds? Learn more about the seed bank and fill out a form to obtain some here:
Museum Pass Program

Courtesy of the Friends of the Gloucester County Library System, we are proud to offer a range of museum passes to check out! These grant you access to museums for a set number of people depending on the pass. These are first-come, first served so contact us for the status of the pass you are looking for.